Your company is engaged in looking for new and exciting products, but did you know your research and development (R&D) can open the door to a generous tax break?

Don’t miss out on potential claims.

Many companies aren’t aware of the eligible expenditure they can recoup. Luckily, the government offers R&D tax relief to incentivise investments in research and development.

Here’s what you need to know:

– Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can deduct 230% of qualifying R&D costs from their taxes.
– Large companies can enjoy relief at a rate of 9.72% with the R&D expenditure credit.
– SMEs can also “trade in” their R&D losses for 33p per £1 spent on qualifying R&D.
– Get 100% allowances on R&D capital expenditure.


So, what counts as eligible R&D? It’s any work that strives to overcome scientific or technological uncertainty, aiming for meaningful advancements in science and technology. This could mean creating new products or processes, or improving existing ones.

Here’s the best part: R&D doesn’t have to be successful to qualify for relief. As long as you’ve undertaken qualifying R&D, you’re eligible. Even if you’ve outsourced the work to a third party.

Don’t let valuable relief go unnoticed. Unleash your potential with R&D tax relief today.

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